Welcome to my blog. Many thanks to the makers of the Academic Hugo template and the authors of Blogdown for R. Here you’ll find bite-sized examples of problems tackled mostly using R.
I’ve been applying computational science to various problems for 20 years. First as a research scientist studying flood risk management and geoengineering assessment and more recently in the private sector on environmental, insurance, and site planning projects. I’m hugely appreciative of the Open Source community - I’ve learnt so much from the posts and tutorials generously supplied by others. I mostly work with R. This is my contribution, it’s partly a place for me to make a record of methods I’ve used that have worked so that I can find them again, and partly a means to share those methods in the hope they might help someone else. Keep the community vibrant. UseR.
PhD in Climate Change and Control Theory, 2007
Lancaster University
BSc in Environmental Science, 2002
Lancaster University